
Vancouver, B.C. (June 15, 2018) - First Energy Metals Ltd. (TSX-V: FE) (the “Company) is pleased to announce that it has received assay results of samples collected during recently completed exploration work at the Russel Graphite property (“Russel Property”). 


  • Results of 8 grab mineralized rock samples indicate graphite in the range of 2.73% Cg (graphitic carbon) to 26.90% Cg, with average 10.96% Cg (see Table 1 below for details).
  • Two samples taken from the southern wall of a historical graphite pit at the Russel showing averaged 22.89% Cg., whereas overall visual grade of flake graphite on the pit wall is 10% Cg.
  • One sample from Delbert Showing assayed 5.30% Cg.
  • Remaining 28 samples, including two field duplicates, were taken from various outcrops representing the Property geology and background graphite values, indicate graphite content in the range of less than 0.05% Cg to 1.37% Cg.
  • Graphite mineralization is generally controlled by Quartz-Feldspar-Gneiss in contact with marble. There is more graphite in gneissic rocks than marbles.
  • Overall flake size in graphite mineralization is 1-5 mm in small lenses.

The exploration work was completed between the period from May 13 to June 1st, 2018. The work included; prospecting, geological mapping and surface sampling to confirm historical graphite occurrences and other past documented exploration work, and to find more graphite occurrences. As the area is partially covered by Pleistocene glacio-fluvial materiel with poor rock exposures, therefore, Horizontal Loop Electromagnetic (HLEM) ground geophysical survey method was also used as prospecting technique to find possible graphite bearing conductors at few locations. A total of 36 grab rock samples were collected during prospecting and sampling work. These samples were shipped to SGS Laboratories in Lakefield Ontario. These samples are selected samples and are not necessarily representative of the mineralization hosted on the property.

All samples were prepped and analyzed by SGS Laboratories, Lakefield, Ontario, an independent assaying laboratory, using SGS code GE/GO/GC_CS A05V.  During analysis, the samples are dried, pulverized, leached and roasted at 550° Celsius for one hour to remove all organic carbon. Carbonate carbon is then leached/evolved using HCl. The sample is then dried to remove the chlorides. The residue is mixed with metal accelerators and placed in the LECO IR combustion system. The residual carbon is taken as graphitic carbon. The results are exported via computer, on line, data fed to the Laboratory Information Management System with secure audit trail. Two field duplicate samples were also inserted in this batch as field quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) protocol.

In addition, the Company would like to announce the resignation of Paul Taggar as a director of the Company. The Company would like to thank Mr. Taggar for his contributions toward the development of the Company to date and wish him continued success in his future endeavours.

To replace Mr. Tagger First Energy Metals has appointed Laurie Stephenson, MBA, BSc, to its board.  Mr. Stephenson graduated in 1975, from Carlton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in geology and in 1985, from York University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, with a Master of Business Administration. He is responsible for negotiations with numerous exploration companies, prospectors and governmental departments to secure prospects and permits to enable various junior companies to conduct exploration and development programs.  He brings over 35 years of experience working for junior and senior mining companies in Canada, USA Mexico, South America and Africa.

The technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Muzaffer Sultan, P.Geo. (BC License Number: 34690), a qualified person, as defined by NI 43-101 who works as VP Exploration with the Company.

About First Energy Metals Limited.

First Energy Metals Limited is a junior resource company engaged in the exploration and development of energy metals such as lithium, cobalt, and graphite within its property portfolio in North America. The Company’s goal is to acquire prospective technology metals projects and develop them. The Company currently holds a 100% interest in the Kootenay Lithium Property, an option to acquire 100% interest in Phyllis Cobalt property in Ontario, Canada, in addition to the recently optioned Russel Graphite Property in Gatineau area of Quebec. First Energy Metals Limited (formerly “Agave Silver “) was incorporated on October 12, 1966 in the Province of British Columbia. The Company’s common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol FE and are also listed on the US OTC Markets (Pink) as ASKDF and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange as A2JC89.


“Gurminder Sangha”
Gurminder Sangha
President & Chief Executive Officer

For further information, please contact the Company at: (604) 375-6005

Neither the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this news release.

Forward-looking Information 
This news release may contain forward-looking information (as such term is defined under Canadian securities laws). While such forward-looking information is expressed by the Company in good faith and believed by the Company to have a reasonable basis, they address future events and conditions and are, therefore, subject to inherent risks and uncertainties.  The Company expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except in accordance with applicable securities law

Table 1: Sample Description  
Sample ID UTM Coordinates NAD
1983 Zone 18
Description Area Sample Type Graphite (Cg) %
Easting Northing
87782 425681 5078330 Marble, grayish brown on weathered surfaces, white on fresh surfaces, calcite is the principal component, minor feldspar, biotite and graphite, granoblastic texture, disseminated graphite 1%-2%, flakes 1mm-3mm but commonly 1 mm in size, Azimuth 340, Dip 50° E. North Low Grab 0.22
87783 425668 5078420 QUARTZ FELDSPAR BIOTITE GNEISS, poorly exposed, very light gray on fresh surfaces, grayish brown on weathered surfaces, medium to coarse grained, Feldspar (mainly plagioclase), biotite and quartz common, minor graphite, 4% Graphite occur as large flakes and small lenses. North Low Grab 2.73
87784 425668 5078438 QUARTZ FELDSPAR BIOTITE GNEISS, Rock like station # 2 but with abundant muscovite mica, 5%-6% graphite occurs as disseminated flakes and small lenses, flakes 1mm-2mm in size. North Low Grab 4.76
87785 425615 5078679 QUARTZ FELDSPAR BIOTITE GNEISS and MARBLE, gneiss consists of feldspar (mainly plagioclase), mica (mainly biotite) and minor quartz, 5mm thick graphite vein at the contact of the gneiss and marble. Sample from the vein, Marble grayish brown on weathered surfaces, white on fresh surfaces, calcite is the principal component, granoblastic texture, disseminated graphite 1% in Marble rock, flakes less than 1mm in size, Azimuth 352, Dip 55° E. North Low Grab 6.97
87786 425677 5078515 QUARTZ FELDSPAR BIOTITE GNEISS, rock like above, Approximately 10 ft wide and 12ft deep vertical pit at this location. 1 cm thick graphite vein extending for 5 ft occur along the northern wall of the pit. The southern wall contains approximately 10% disseminated flakes ranging in size from 1mm to 5mm. Coordinates represent the southern wall of Pit. Sample 87786 from massive graphite and 87787 from disseminated graphite. North Low Grab 26.90
87787 425677 5078515 Disseminated graphite as described above. North Low Grab 18.88
87788 425679 5078498 Very poorly exposed, Quartz-Feldspar Gneiss, disseminated graphite flakes 2%. Sample 87789 is Duplicate of 87788. North Low Grab 1.37
87789 425679 5078498 Sample 87789 is Duplicate of sample # 87788. North Low Grab 0.39
87790 425656 5078541 Very poorly exposed in a very limited area, Quartz-Feldspar Gneiss, coarse grained, 4% graphite, disseminated flakes 1mm-5mm in size. North Low Grab 6.88
87791 424605 5075916 A small exposure along highway 105, Marble, grayish brown on weathered surfaces, white on fresh surfaces, calcite is the principal component, granoblastic texture, graphite occurs as disseminated flakes and small lenses, graphite 7%-8%, flakes 2mm-3mm in size. North Low Grab 10.60
87792 424803 5077173 Marble, Small Poorly exposed outcrop, white on fresh surfaces, calcite principal component, 1 % disseminated graphite, flakes 1mm in size. North Low Grab 0.35
87796 423562 5076393 quartz-feldspar-biotite-garnet paragneisses, biotite common, rusty brown on weathered surfaces, yellowish gray on fresh surfaces, fine to medium grained, banded, no visible graphite, historical work reported graphite in surrounding area, Azimuth 330, Dip 15° W. North Low Grab < 0.05
87793 422940 5075275 Small outcrop close to Russel well where graphite was reported in previous literature, mainly consists of Marble which is white on fresh surface and grayish yellow on weathered, include medium dark gray bands consisting of coarse quartz and biotite, graphite less than 1% with flake size of 2mm, traces of mica, and pyrite in Marble, Azimuth 330, Dip 38° N, sample taken from dark band. North Low Grab 0.18
87794 422940 5075275 Same location, Sample taken from the Marble rock. North Low Grab 0.07
87795 424586 5076410 PEGMATITIC MARBLE, weathered dark gray, fresh white, trace pyrite and graphite, Azimuth 320, Dip 22° W. North Low Grab 0.18
87797 425856 5077360 Marble, white on fresh surfaces, calcite is the principal component, granoblastic texture, no visible graphite, medium gray bands consisting of biotite, calcite, minor quartz and feldspar in places, sample from medium gray band, Azimuth 350, Dip 40°E. North Low Grab 0.06
87798 425679 5078376 Marble, white on fresh surfaces, mainly calcite, granoblastic texture, trace graphite, Azimuth 350, Dip 40°E. North Low Grab 0.12
87799 425634 5078655 3ftX3ft pit at this location, boulders from the pit show significant graphite, poorly exposed in pit, exposure inside pit contain trace graphite, rock similar to above. North Low Grab 0.18
87800 425634 5078655 Duplicate of sample # 87799. North Low Grab 0.16
95501 425844 5070092 Brownish grey QUARTZ FELDSPAR BIOTITE GNEISS, coarse grained with pegmatitic texture, calcareous at places, 6% flake graphite up 7.5 mm. Delbert Grab 5.30
95502 425865 5070171 Brownish grey QUARTZ FELDSPAR BIOTITE GNEISS, coarse grained with pegmatitic texture at places, calcareous, 2% pyrite, trace graphite. Delbert Grab 0.53
95503 425590 5070622 Light brown to light grey CRYSTALLINE LIMESTONE / MARBLE, coarse grained, 1% pyrite, 1% graphite. Delbert Grab < 0.05
95504 425589 5070594 Brownish grey QUARTZ FELDSPAR BIOTITE GNEISS, coarse grained, calcareous, 4% pyrite, trace graphite. Delbert Grab < 0.05
95505 425591 5070617 Light brown to light grey CRYSTALLINE LIMESTONE / MARBLE, coarse grained, pegmatitic, 2% pyrite. Delbert Grab < 0.05
95506 425836 5070111 Light brown to light grey CRYSTALLINE LIMESTONE / MARBLE, coarse grained, 1% pyrite, 4% graphite. Delbert Grab 0.07
95507 425832 5070145 Brownish grey QUARTZ FELDSPAR BIOTITE GNEISS, coarse grained with pegmatitic texture at places, calcareous, 1% graphite. Delbert Grab 0.76
95508 425738 5069683 Dark brown QUARTZ FELDSPAR BIOTITE GNEISS, fine to coarse grained, calcareous, 1% pyrite. Delbert Grab 0.94
95509 425733 5069660 Dark brown QUARTZ FELDSPAR BIOTITE GNEISS, fine to coarse grained, calcareous, 1% pyrite. Delbert Grab 0.26
95510 425939 5069688 Dark brown QUARTZ FELDSPAR BIOTITE GNEISS, fine to coarse grained, calcareous, some garnet grains, quartz veins and crystals. Delbert Grab 0.96
95511 425577 5070635 Dark brown QUARTZ FELDSPAR BIOTITE GNEISS, fine to coarse grained, calcareous, 5% pyrite. Delbert Grab < 0.05
95512 425565 5070698 Rusty brown QUARTZ FELDSPAR BIOTITE GNEISS, fine to coarse grained, calcareous, trace graphite. Delbert Grab 0.05
95513 425583 5070606 Light brown CRYSTALLINE LIMESTONE / MARBLE, coarse grained, rusty on surface, 3% graphite, 1% pyrite. Delbert Grab < 0.05
95514 425582 5070606 Light brown CRYSTALLINE LIMESTONE / MARBLE, coarse grained, rusty on surface, 4% graphite, 1% pyrite. Delbert Grab < 0.05
95515 425495 5070612 Light crey CRYSTALLINE LIMESTONE / MARBLE, coarse grained, micaceous. Delbert Grab 0.07
95516 425850 5070577 Rusty brown QUARTZ FELDSPAR BIOTITE GNEISS, fine to coarse grained, calcareous, some mica. Delbert Grab < 0.05
95517 426166 5070730 Light brown CRYSTALLINE LIMESTONE / MARBLE, coarse grained, rusty on surface, trace graphite. Delbert Grab < 0.05

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